Basic Approach

At the HOYA Group, we provide a work environment that respects individuality and diversity and promotes the growth of individuals while giving consideration to the safety and health of employees. Furthermore, each and every employee work to improve the knowledge and skills and we provide the innovative value sought by society. In this manner we aim to create a free-spirited work environment.

Human resource development

People differ in terms of things such as values, how they live, personality, and individual capabilities. There are also a wide variety of stances towards jobs and ways of working. For this reason, organizational management in the current era needs to provide frameworks that leverage the individuality of employees and allow employees to increase their capabilities in environments that match individual aptitudes. The new ideal employee environment sought by HOYA is one in which all employees can fully exploit their capabilities and contribute to the organization and business through friendly competition.
In response to the wide variety of capacity development needs of employees and in order to learn the specialized knowledge and skills required for the industry, the HOYA Group individually deploys the employee educational programs that are most suitable for each business division and region.

1. Human resource development in the Eye Care Company

Training in the Eye Care Company

The Eye Care Company that operates Eyecity chain of contact lens specialty stores has designed and made efforts to improve educational programs for the division with objectives such as improving the customer service skills of “Eye Concierge” which are the staff engaged in sales activities at stores.
The three core programs are: 1. operational education aimed at improving customer service and customer reception skills, 2. technical education aimed at acquiring specialized knowledge on contact lenses as high-level control medical equipment, and 3. management education aimed at learning the management skills for leading staff as a team. Instore coaches and technical coaches are employees that have been authorized to provide training, and they have been combined with e-learning programs to promote the self-study by learners.
Four levels have been established for technical education. Almost all employees have completed the beginner level and approximately half of all employees have completed the intermediate level. The participation rate has grown since the program was introduced in 2011.


Staff members attending EICC Code Of Conduct Requirements course

Every year staff members of Hoya Electronics Singapore attend “Understanding the Electronic Industry Citizenship Code Of Conduct Requirements (EICC) course.” This year six staff members from various departments attended the course to improve understanding.

Employee Engagement Survey

In order for the workplace—i.e., “HOYA”—to be a “field” in which individuals can undergo further growth while “actions demanded” by the Company are demonstrated by employees on an individual basis, we believe that it is important for both employees and the Company to make efforts to pursue the ideal workplace by identifying the areas in need of improvement through engagement surveys. The Company conducts an employee engagement survey covering the entire Group once a year.

“Actions Demanded by HOYA”

Engage in work from a business perspective in view of total optimization—not partial optimization—of business while being mindful of our vision

  • Reject the status quo and make a change
  • Stick to your strong beliefs
  • Think outside the box in terms of your work

We believe that these actions will promote the creation and innovation of new values and frameworks, and that individual growth will result in the growth of the business and the company.
Discussions are held at each workplace in response to the survey results to gain a deeper understanding of the results, identify areas for improvement, and link them to action plans.

Award system

HOYA Prize

The HOYA Prize is an award system that has been established for all employees with the aim of recognizing and rewarding the daily hard work and efforts of employees in order to communicate a spirit of gratitude towards employees that always do their utmost amidst a difficult business environment. The award system does not stipulate any detailed standards, but winners are rather decided on by the CEO based on recommendations received by the President from the managers of each business and human resources representatives.

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