CEO Message
Based on our management philosophy, “We will promote business creation and innovation in the areas of information technology and lifestyle and culture, and contribute to the creation of a truly prosperous society in harmony with people, society, and nature,” we consider the resolution of environmental issues and social challenges as an integral part of our business, without separating them from the expansion of our business earnings.
To date, we have focused most of our efforts on governance (G) and have established the most advanced corporate governance structure in Japan. Going forward, we will increase our focus on environmental (E) and social (S) agendas as well.
In the midst of dramatic changes in the global society, we believe that responding flexibly and swiftly to the changes of the times, taking on the challenge of creating the value that society needs, and meeting those expectations are HOYA’s strengths and the vision that we aspire to. The entire HOYA Group will continue to do its utmost to be the preferred choice of our customers and partners.
Eiichiro Ikeda, CEO
Sustainability Policy
HOYA Group is committed to contribute towards building a sustainable society and aims to enhance our long-term corporate values by implementing our management principles based on our corporate mission in our day-to-day work.
■ We will aim to help resolve global social issues through innovation in our businesses.
■ We will realize fair and highly transparent corporate management by building a relationship based on trust through consistent dialogue with key stakeholders.
■ We will aim to minimize environmental externalities in our business activities to ensure our future generations inherit a healthy global environment in future.
■ We respect the human rights of all people involved in our business activities, including those in our supply chain and will strive to prevent any abuse on human rights.
■ We will create a work environment to promote diversity and inclusion with an emphasis on the wellbeing of our employees in the aim of keeping high motivation and moral to create new values.